Books I like

Never Let You Go
Kazuo Ishiguro
Norwegian Wood
Haruki Murakami
More Precisely: The Math You Need to Do Philosophy
Eric Steinhart
Philosophical Analysis in the Twentieth Century Vol. 2
Scott Soames
Philosophies of Mathematics
Alexander George & Daniel Velleman
A Mathematical Introduction to Logic
Herbert Enderton
Androids: The Team That Built the Android Operating System
Chet Haase

Links I like

Ireizō (慰霊像)
Web monument for the Japanese-American incarceration during WWII.
Beej's Guides
I probably learned more from this than most of my coursework.
Build Your Own X
Digestible hands-on resource.
I'm originally from Southern California. Besides research and reading, I enjoy calisthenics and StarCraft II. One day, I'll find the time to study for my ham radio Technician license.